Results for 'S. N. Verdun-Jones'

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  1. Biomedical experimentation with children: Balancing the need for protective measures with the need to respect children's developing ability to make significant life decisions for themselves.D. N. Weisstub, S. N. Verdun-Jones & J. Walker - 1998 - In David N. Weisstub, Research on human subjects: ethics, law, and social policy. Kidlington, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press. pp. 380--404.
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  2. Drawing the distinction between therapeutic research and non-therapeutic experimentation: clearing a way through the definitional thicket.S. N. Verdun-Jones & D. N. Weisstub - 1998 - In David N. Weisstub, Research on human subjects: ethics, law, and social policy. Kidlington, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press. pp. 111--36.
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  3. The Regulation of Biomedical Experimentation in Canada: Development of an Effective Apparatus for the Implementation of Ethical Principles of Scientific Milieu.Simon N. Verdun-Jones & D. N. Weisstub - 1998 - In David N. Weisstub, Research on human subjects: ethics, law, and social policy. Kidlington, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press. pp. 318--354.
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  4.  56
    The Impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms upon Canadian Mental Health Law: The Dawn of a New Era or Business as Usual?Robert M. Gordon & Simon N. Verdun-Jones - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (3-4):190-197.
  5. Jakob Andersson. Kingship in the Early Mesopotamian Onomasticon 2800–2200 b. c. e. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, 28. Up-psala: Uppsala University Library, 2012. Pp. xxxix, 440. SEK 392 (pb.). ISBN 978-91-554-8270-1. [REVIEW]S. Bartsch O'Gorman, S. M. Goldberg, E. Paratore, N. P. Miller, P. V. Jones, D. S. Levene, R. Martin, R. Syme, J. Ginsburg & C. Pelling - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (1):149-154.
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  6. Akahane-Yamada, R., B47 Bertamini, M., 33 Booth, AE, 215 Brockmole, JR, B59 Chambers, KE, B69.N. Chater, E. Colunga, C. J. Croucher, C. H. Echols, H. Gleitman, L. Gleitman, U. Hahn, S. Hulme, S. S. Jones & G. Keren - 2003 - Cognition 87:235.
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    Sir William Jones: A Study in Eighteenth-Century British Attitudes to India.Rosane Rocher & S. N. Mu-Kherjee - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):195.
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  8.  22
    On the effect of hydrogen on the elastic moduli and acoustic loss behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V.S. L. Driver, N. G. Jones, H. J. Stone, D. Rugg & M. A. Carpenter - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-17.
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    The Mismeasure of Psychopathy: A Commentary on Boddy’s PM-MRV.Daniel N. Jones & Robert D. Hare - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):579-588.
    Boddy and his colleagues have published several articles on “corporate psychopathy” using what they refer to as a Psychopathy Measure—Management Research Version. They based this measure on the items that comprise the Interpersonal and Affective dimensions of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, a widely used copyrighted and controlled instrument. The PM-MRV not only misspecifies the construct of psychopathy, but also serves as an example of the problems associated with an attempt to form a “new” scale by adapting items from a proprietary (...)
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    Correlating mind and body.T. J. Lioyd-Jones, N. Donnelly & B. Weekes - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):688-688.
    Gray's integration of the different levels of description and explanation in his theory is problematic: (1) The introduction of consciousness into his theorising consists of the mind-brain identity assumption, which tells us nothing new. (2) There need not be correlations between levels of description. (3) Gray's account does not extend beyond “brute” correlation. Integration must be achieved in a principled, mutually constraining way.
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  11. New books. [REVIEW]Austin Duncan-Jones, C. D. Broad, William Kneale, Martha Kneale, L. J. Russell, D. J. Allan, S. Körner, Percy Black, J. O. Urmson, Stephen Toulmin, J. J. C. Smart, Antony Flew, R. C. Cross, George E. Hughes, John Holloway, D. Daiches Raphael, J. P. Corbett, E. A. Gellner, G. P. Henderson, W. von Leyden, P. L. Heath, Margaret Macdonald, B. Mayo, P. H. Nowell-Smith, J. N. Findlay & A. M. MacIver - 1950 - Mind 59 (235):389-431.
  12.  25
    Understanding risk in living donor nephrectomy.N. H. Maple, V. Hadjianastassiou, R. Jones & N. Mamode - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3):142-147.
    Objectives To investigate risk perception relating to living kidney donation, to compare the risk donors would accept with current practice and identify influential factors. Design An observational study consisting of questionnaires completed by previous living donors and the general public. Participants selected the risk they would accept from a list of options, in various scenarios. Risk communication was investigated by randomly dividing the sample and presenting risk differently. Setting Primary care (two centres) and secondary care (one centre), London. Participants 175 (...)
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    Mental State Assessment and Validation Using Personalized Physiological Biometrics.Aashish N. Patel, Michael D. Howard, Shane M. Roach, Aaron P. Jones, Natalie B. Bryant, Charles S. H. Robinson, Vincent P. Clark & Praveen K. Pilly - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14.  40
    Is Machiavellianism Dead or Dormant? The Perils of Researching a Secretive Construct.Daniel N. Jones & Steven M. Mueller - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (3):535-549.
    Machiavellianism is a popular construct in research on ethics and organizational behavior. This research has demonstrated that Machiavellianism predicts a host of counterproductive, deviant, and unethical behaviors. However, individuals high in Machiavellianism also adapt to their organizational surroundings, engaging in unethical behavior only in certain situations. Nevertheless, the utility of Machiavellianism has been questioned. Meta-analyses have demonstrated that psychopathy out-predicts Machiavellianism for most antisocial outcomes. Thus, many researchers assume Machiavellianism is a derivative and redundant construct. However, researchers examining the utility (...)
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  15.  61
    Assessment of size ordered recruitment.Parveen N. S. Bawa, Kelvin E. Jones & Richard B. Stein - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16.  8
    What is Professional Ethics?David N. Jones - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10 (9999):1-184.
    After distinguishing professional ethic s from legal and aesthetic norms I argue that a version of rule-utilitarianism is best able to account for professional ethics. The alleged relativism of role-specific duties is a badly posed issue, I argue, since how morality comes to one critically depends upon one's occupation. Alternative theories of the foundations of professional ethics are criticized, both consent theories and the views of those who object to the legalism implicit in a rule-based theory. A mixed theory of (...)
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  17.  43
    “But not the music”: psychopathic traits and difficulties recognising and resonating with the emotion in music.R. C. Plate, C. Jones, S. Zhao, M. W. Flum, J. Steinberg, G. Daley, N. Corbett, C. Neumann & R. Waller - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):748-762.
    Recognising and responding appropriately to emotions is critical to adaptive psychological functioning. Psychopathic traits (e.g. callous, manipulative, impulsive, antisocial) are related to differences in recognition and response when emotion is conveyed through facial expressions and language. Use of emotional music stimuli represents a promising approach to improve our understanding of the specific emotion processing difficulties underlying psychopathic traits because it decouples recognition of emotion from cues directly conveyed by other people (e.g. facial signals). In Experiment 1, participants listened to clips (...)
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    The neuropsychology of schizophrenia: Act 3.D. R. Hemsley, J. N. P. Rawlins, J. Feldon, S. H. Jones & J. A. Gray - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):209-215.
  19. Redundancy in Perceptual and Linguistic Experience: Comparing Feature-Based and Distributional Models of Semantic Representation.Brian Riordan & Michael N. Jones - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):303-345.
    Abstract Since their inception, distributional models of semantics have been criticized as inadequate cognitive theories of human semantic learning and representation. A principal challenge is that the representations derived by distributional models are purely symbolic and are not grounded in perception and action; this challenge has led many to favor feature-based models of semantic representation. We argue that the amount of perceptual and other semantic information that can be learned from purely distributional statistics has been underappreciated. We compare the representations (...)
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  20.  61
    Quantity and Diversity: Simulating Early Word Learning Environments.Jessica L. Montag, Michael N. Jones & Linda B. Smith - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S2):375-412.
    The words in children's language learning environments are strongly predictive of cognitive development and school achievement. But how do we measure language environments and do so at the scale of the many words that children hear day in, day out? The quantity and quality of words in a child's input are typically measured in terms of total amount of talk and the lexical diversity in that talk. There are disagreements in the literature whether amount or diversity is the more critical (...)
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  21. Error and inference: Recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the objectivity and rationality of science * edited by Deborah G. Mayo and Aris Spanos. [REVIEW]N. Jones - 2011 - Analysis 71 (2):406-408.
    When do data provide good evidence for a hypothesis, evidence that warrants an inference to the hypothesis? Standard answers either reject the legitimacy of induction or else allow warranted inference from data to hypothesis when there are suitable relationships between and among the data and hypotheses. The severity account rejects all of these, maintaining instead that the good evidence relation concerns not only relations between data and hypotheses but also the methods for obtaining the data and the sensitivity of these (...)
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    Tragic Elucidations - H. D. Broadhead: Tragica: Elucidations of Passages in Greek Tragedy. Pp. 179. Christchurch, N.Z.: University of Canterbury, 1968. Cloth, £2. 2 s.[REVIEW]Hugh Lloyd-Jones - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):304-305.
  23.  17
    (1 other version)A Reply to Marianna Papastephanou's Review of Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education.Michel Alhadeff-Jones - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This text has already been published in Studies in Philosophy and Education, Feb. 2018, n° 37, p.103–107. As we all know it, writing and reading takes time. In the contemporary social and academic context, often shaped by a destabilizing sense of acceleration and urgency, protecting the moments required for such ‘time-consuming' activities is not something that can be taken for granted anymore. The way we commit to a specific task expresses as much about the meaning it may carry that what (...)
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  24. Book Review: Tamsin Jones, A Genealogy of Marion's Philosophy of Religion: Apparent Darkness. [REVIEW]N. N. Trakakis - 2013 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (1):196-198.
    A review of Tamsin Jones, A Genealogy of Marion's Philosophy of Religion.
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  25. Jouer le jeu académique : des règles explicites pour uniformiser les règles du jeu.Bryn Williams-Jones - 2025 - Montreal: BrynStorming. Translated by Marie-Pierre Bousquet.
    « Jouer le jeu académique » est l’aboutissement de deux années de billets hebdomadaires sur le blogue BrynStorming de Bryn Williams-Jones, professeur de bioéthique à l’École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal. -/- En tant qu’éthicien intéressé depuis longtemps par les questions de justice, Williams-Jones a été motivé par le besoin de répondre aux injustices rencontrées dans le monde universitaire. De nombreux étudiants ou chercheurs échouent dans leurs études ou dans leur progression de carrière non pas parce (...)
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  26. The Intentions of Information Sources Can Affect What Information People Think Qualifies as True.I. J. Handley-Miner, Michael Pope, Richard Kenneth Atkins, S. M. Jones-Jang, Daniel J. McKaughan, J. Philips & L. Young - 2023 - Scientific Reports 13.
    The concept of truth is at the core of science, journalism, law, and many other pillars of modern society. Yet, given the imprecision of natural language, deciding what information should count as true is no easy task, even with access to the ground truth. How do people decide whether a given claim of fact qualifies as true or false? Across two studies (N = 1181; 16,248 observations), participants saw claims of fact alongside the ground truth about those claims. Participants classified (...)
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    The Role of Negative Information in Distributional Semantic Learning.Brendan T. Johns, Douglas J. K. Mewhort & Michael N. Jones - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (5):e12730.
    Distributional models of semantics learn word meanings from contextual co‐occurrence patterns across a large sample of natural language. Early models, such as LSA and HAL (Landauer & Dumais, 1997; Lund & Burgess, 1996), counted co‐occurrence events; later models, such as BEAGLE (Jones & Mewhort, 2007), replaced counting co‐occurrences with vector accumulation. All of these models learned from positive information only: Words that occur together within a context become related to each other. A recent class of distributional models, referred to (...)
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    Graph‐Theoretic Properties of Networks Based on Word Association Norms: Implications for Models of Lexical Semantic Memory.Thomas M. Gruenenfelder, Gabriel Recchia, Tim Rubin & Michael N. Jones - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1460-1495.
    We compared the ability of three different contextual models of lexical semantic memory and of a simple associative model to predict the properties of semantic networks derived from word association norms. None of the semantic models were able to accurately predict all of the network properties. All three contextual models over-predicted clustering in the norms, whereas the associative model under-predicted clustering. Only a hybrid model that assumed that some of the responses were based on a contextual model and others on (...)
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  29.  32
    Essay Review: Ptolemy's Geography, An Annotated Translation of the Theoretical Chapters by J. Lennart Berggren and Alexander Jones.N. M. Swerdlow - 2003 - Annals of Science 60 (3):313-320.
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    Activism, Resistance and Presence: Exploring Disabled Children’s Childhood Studies in Canada (Editors' Introduction).Chelsea Jones, Abneet Atwal & Joanne Weber - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (1):1-13.
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    Three universal representations of recursively enumerable sets.James P. Jones - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):335-351.
    In his celebrated paper of 1931 [7], Kurt Gödel proved the existence of sentences undecidable in the axiomatized theory of numbers. Gödel's proof is constructive and such a sentence may actually be written out. Of course, if we follow Gödel's original procedure the formula will be of enormous length.Forty-five years have passed since the appearance of Gödel's pioneering work. During this time enormous progress has been made in mathematical logic and recursive function theory. Many different mathematical problems have been proved (...)
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  32.  11
    Ethics and Canadian defence policy: proceedings of a conference held 22-23 March, 1990 at Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S.David R. Jones, F. W. Crickard & Todd R. Yates (eds.) - 1992 - Halifax, N.S.: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University.
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    Sociality in Harold N. Lee's Thought.Martin M. Jones - 1972 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):325-331.
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    Young children experience both regret and relief in a gain-or-loss context.Alicia K. Jones, Shalini Gautam & Jonathan Redshaw - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):163-170.
    Recent research has provided compelling evidence that children experience the negative counterfactual emotion of regret, by manipulating the presence of a counterfactual action that would have led to participants receiving a better outcome. However, it remains unclear if children similarly experience regret’s positive counterpart, relief. The current study examined children’s negative and positive counterfactual emotions in a novel gain-or-loss context. Four- to 9-year-old children (N = 136) were presented with two opaque boxes concealing information that would lead to a gain (...)
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    ‘She's My Sister‐In‐Law, My Visitor, My Friend’ – Challenges of Staff Identity in Home Follow‐Up in an HIV Trial in W estern K enya.Philister Adhiambo Madiega, Gemma Jones, Ruth Jane Prince & Paul Wenzel Geissler - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 13 (1):21-29.
    Identities ascribed to research staff in face-to-face encounters with participants have been raised as key ethical challenge in transnational health research. ‘Misattributed’ identities that do not just deviate from researchers' self-image, but obscure unequivocal aspects of researcher identity – e.g. that they are researchers – are a case of such ethical problem. Yet, the reasonable expectation of unconcealed identity can conflict with another ethical premise: confidentiality; this poses challenges to staff visiting participants at home. We explore these around a case (...)
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    Tragic Time - Jacqueline de Romilly: Time in Greek Tragedy. (Messenger Lectures, 1967.) Pp. viii + 180. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1968. Cloth, 57 s. net. [REVIEW]Hugh Lloyd-Jones - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):302-304.
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    Entangled histories of plague ecology in Russia and the USSR.Susan D. Jones & Anna A. Amramina - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (3):49.
    During the mid-twentieth century, Soviet scientists developed the “natural focus” theory–practice framework to explain outbreaks of diseases endemic to wild animals and transmitted to humans. Focusing on parasitologist-physician Evgeny N. Pavlovsky and other field scientists’ work in the Soviet borderlands, this article explores how the natural focus framework’s concepts and practices were entangled in political as well as material ecologies of knowledge and practice. We argue that the very definition of endemic plague incorporated both hands-on materialist experience and ideological concepts (...)
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    Ecclesia and ethics: moral formation and the church.E. Allen Jones (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing PIc.
    Ecclesia and Ethics considers the subject of Ecclesial Ethics within its theological, theoretical and exegetical contexts. Part one presents the biblical-theological foundations of an ecclesial ethic – examining issues such as creation, and Paul's theology of the Cross. Part two moves on to examine issues of character formation and community. Finally, part three presents a range of exegetical applications, which examine scripture and ethics in praxis. These essays look at hot-button issues such as the 'virtual self' in the digital age, (...)
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  39. Mapping responsible conduct in the uncharted field of research-creation: a scoping review.Nathalie Voarino, Vincent Couture, S. Mathieu-C., Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Emilie St-Hilaire, Bryn Williams-Jones, François-Joseph Lapointe, Cynthia Noury, Marianne Cloutier & Philippe Gauthier - 2019 - Accountability in Research 26 (5):311-46.
    This scoping review addresses the issues of responsible conduct of research (RCR) that can arise in the practice of research-creation (RC), an emergent, interdisciplinary, and heterogeneous field at the interface of academic research and creative activities. Little is yet known about the nature and scope of RCR issues in RC, so our study examined three questions: (1) What are the specific issues in RC in relation to RCR? (2) How does the specificity of RC influence the understanding and practice of (...)
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  40. "This Being, That Becomes": Reconsidering the imasmiṃ sati Formula in Early Buddhism.Dhivan Thomas Jones - 2022 - Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 45:119–55.
    This article investigates the original meaning of dependent arising in the Buddha’s teaching, by focussing on the imasmi" sati formula. Modern scholars such as the Rhys Davidses, K.N. Jayatilleke and Paul Williams have interpreted it as a princi- ple of causation, comparable to a scientific conception of causation. I argue instead that this formula implies that the Buddha held that causation is nothing more than the correlation of causes and effects, and that it commits the Buddha to a Humean regularity (...)
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    School Books - Alston Hurd Chase and Henry PhillipsJr.: A New Introduction to Greek. Pp. 128. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1946. Paper, 10 s. - F. Kinchin Smith and T. W. Melluish: Teach Yourself Greek. Pp. 331. London: Hodder and Stoughton (for the English Universities Press), 1947. Cloth, 4 s. 6 d. - K. C. Masterman: A Latin Word-List. Pp. 3. Melbourne: Macmillan, 1945. Paper, 2 s. 6 d. - K. D. Robinson and R. L. Chambers: The Latin Way. Pp. xxviii+380 (many drawings by Hilary M. Crosse). London: Christophers, 1947. Cloth, 6 s. 6 d. - O. N. Jones: Faciliora Reddenda. Pp. 96. London and Glasgow: Blackie, 1947. Cloth, 2 s. - I. Williamson: The Friday Afternoon Latin Book. Pp. 79 (illustrated by drawings). London and Glasgow: Blackie, 1947. Cloth, 2 s. 3 d[REVIEW]D. S. Colman - 1948 - The Classical Review 62 (3-4):158-159.
  42.  19
    Earnest Enquirers After Truth (Routledge Revivals): A Gifford Anthology: Excerpts From Gifford Lectures 1888-1968.Bernard E. Jones - 1970 - Routledge.
    First published in 1970, Bernard E. Jones’s selection of Gifford lectures includes excerpts from the writings of over ninety scholars who occupied a Gifford Chair between 1888 and 1968. Lord Gifford had asked his lecturers to be ‘honest to God’, insisting that they should be ‘earnest enquirers after truth’ and had always envisaged the lectures being published. Dr Jones’s anthology is arranged under headings suggested by phrases from Lord Gifford’s will. The selection, which includes names such as William (...)
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  43. Notes on Sound.Bonnie Jones - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):64-65.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 64–65 Notes on Notes on Sound, July 18, 8:34pm Isaac Linder Paul de Man begins his landmark text, Allegories of Reading , with a cheeky epigraph from the philosopher Blaise Pascal. It reads, 'Quand on lit trop vite ou trop doucement on n’entend rien' (When you read too quickly or too slowly you hear nothing). The epigraph is cheeky because in the course of de Man's work he avoids elucidating at what speed one would one would be (...)
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    A randomised controlled trial of an Intervention to Improve Compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines (IICARus).Ezgi Tanriver-Ayder, Laura J. Gray, Sarah K. McCann, Ian M. Devonshire, Leigh O’Connor, Zeinab Ammar, Sarah Corke, Mahmoud Warda, Evandro Araújo De-Souza, Paolo Roncon, Edward Christopher, Ryan Cheyne, Daniel Baker, Emily Wheater, Marco Cascella, Savannah A. Lynn, Emmanuel Charbonney, Kamil Laban, Cilene Lino de Oliveira, Julija Baginskaite, Joanne Storey, David Ewart Henshall, Ahmed Nazzal, Privjyot Jheeta, Arianna Rinaldi, Teja Gregorc, Anthony Shek, Jennifer Freymann, Natasha A. Karp, Terence J. Quinn, Victor Jones, Kimberley Elaine Wever, Klara Zsofia Gerlei, Mona Hosh, Victoria Hohendorf, Monica Dingwall, Timm Konold, Katrina Blazek, Sarah Antar, Daniel-Cosmin Marcu, Alexandra Bannach-Brown, Paula Grill, Zsanett Bahor, Gillian L. Currie, Fala Cramond, Rosie Moreland, Chris Sena, Jing Liao, Michelle Dohm, Gina Alvino, Alejandra Clark, Gavin Morrison, Catriona MacCallum, Cadi Irvine, Philip Bath, David Howells, Malcolm R. Macleod, Kaitlyn Hair & Emily S. Sena - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundThe ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines are widely endorsed but compliance is limited. We sought to determine whether journal-requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist improves full compliance with the guidelines.MethodsIn a randomised controlled trial, manuscripts reporting in vivo animal research submitted to PLOS ONE (March–June 2015) were randomly allocated to either requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist or current standard practice. Authors, academic editors, and peer reviewers were blinded to group allocation. Trained reviewers performed outcome adjudication (...)
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    The Concept of Poverty in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Contra Impugnantes Dei Cultum et Religionem.John D. Jones - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):409-439.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CONCEPT OF POVERTY IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS'S CONTRA IMPUGNANTES DE/ CULTUM ET RELIGIONEM JOHN D. ]ONES Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin MEDIEVAL CONCEPTIONS of poverty have been given ongoing and serious attention by scholars during this century. The extensive literature on the nature and practice of poverty among the Franciscans bears witness to this. Serious investigation of St. Thomas Aquinas's understanding of poverty, however, is virtually nonexistent. Except for (...)
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    Ecology, Dharma and Direct Action: A Brief Survey of Contemporary Eco-Buddhist Activism in Korea.Young-Hae Yoon & Sherwin Jones - 2015 - Buddhist Studies Review 31 (2):293-311.
    Over the last few decades there has emerged a small, yet influential eco-Buddhism movement in South Korea which, since the turn of the millennium, has seen several S?n Buddhist clerics engage in high-profile protests and activism campaigns opposing massive development projects which threatened widespread ecological destruction. This article will survey the issues and events surrounding three such protests; the 2003 samboilbae, or ‘threesteps- one-bow’, march led by Venerable Suky?ng against the Saemangeum Reclamation Project, Venerable Jiyul’s Anti-Mt. Ch?ns?ng tunnel hunger-strike campaign (...)
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    The Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill 1812-1848 (review).W. T. Jones - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):274-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:274 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY poisoning, spying, etc., which would render postwar mutual confidence impossible, shall not be countenanced. It is mainly with an eye to these preliminary articles that Professor Wilhelm Miiller argues for Kant's relevance to contemporary political problems. Miiller begins by drawing an analogy between the Peace of Basle (1795) and the Treaty of Versailles: in both instances, it is claimed, secret reservations at the treaty table, (...)
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    Pranic Healing: Documenting Use, Expectations, and Perceived Benefits of a Little-Known Therapy in the United States.Tonya L. Schuster, Maritza Jauregui, Mary D. Clark & Joie P. Jones - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (3).
    The aim of this exploratory study was to examine client demographics and expectations, reasons for use, sensations during treatment, and perceived outcomes of Pranic Healing, an energy healing system lacking in scientific documentation but whose use in the general population is becoming more widespread internationally. This study consisted of a cross-sectional survey of adults (18+ years of age) receiving care from 12 Pranic Healing practices in four different states in the U.S. (N = 179) completing online questionnaires. Closed-ended response sets (...)
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    Anticipatory governance and moral imagination: Methodological insights from a scenario-based public deliberation study.Pascale Lehoux, Fiona A. Miller & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2020 - Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151:119800.
    The fields of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and participatory foresight seek to establish, and to include publics within, anticipatory governance mechanisms. While scenario-based methods can bring to the publics’ attention the ethical challenges associated to existing technologies, there has been little empirical research examining how, in practice, prospective public deliberative processes should be organized to inform anticipatory governance. The goal of this article is to generate methodological insights into the way such methods can stimulate the public's moral imagination regarding (...)
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    Ethical issues in vaccine trial participation by adolescents: qualitative insights on family decision making from a human papillomavirus vaccine trial in Tanzania.Lucy Frost, Ms Tusajigwe Erio, Hilary Whitworth, Ms Graca Marwerwe, Richard Hayes, Kathy Baisley, Silvia de SanJosé, Deborah Watson-Jones & Kirstin Mitchell - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-16.
    Background Research in children is essential for them to benefit from the outcomes of research but involvement must be weighed against potential harms. In many countries and circumstances, medical research legally requires parental consent until the age of 18 years, with poorly defined recommendations for assent prior to this. However, there is little research exploring how these decisions are made by families and the ethical implications of this. Aim To explore key ethical debates in decision-making for participation of children and (...)
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